
タイタンとレアのお写真 こういうのでハァハァするのが私だ。
ハッブルがとらえた史上最古の銀河 これ凄いよ。
天の川銀河恒星系、15%が太陽系型か これに関連してそうな話、日経サイエンスの1月号にあった。そしてケプラーにあの手の期待(昨日の記事)がかかっているのは本当なんだと思う…^^^


Getting on the way home from part-time job, I elevated my eyes on the night sky. Then I knew instantly the Great Bear, Polaris and Cassiopeia. I felt nice. There was a beautiful starry sky tonight... However, I wasn't able to catch any change of dying Betelgeuse, because I don't know its former brightness.
At night, some boys in from the fifth to the seventh grade(この範囲つき学年の書き方わからん) smell like dinner. Perhaps its salty smell is the aged sweat. XD Juveniles who haven't such odor usually look well-mannered.