
日本ではパラリンピックはスポーツではない!?(玉木 正之) | News Log http://news-log.jp/?p=3968

yone69harajuku: 今って、長い日本の歴史の中で最大の危機が訪れてるって僕は思う。それをあんまりみんなが意識してないのが、ほんとにその最大の危機を最大の危機にしてる所以。

riecco44: 差し出された手、握りかえそう、ぎゅっとじゃなくてそっとでいい、差し出す方だって勇気がいったことだろう:中国、国慶節行事に邦人招待 反日感情根強い南京で(共同9/26) http://bit.ly/QQRqNZ 南京や上海での動きは民間交流の全面的な断絶は避けたい中国側の姿勢の表れ

これは1周まわってR-18文学として読めそうだな どういう話になっていくんだろう
<腐女子はアメコミに萌えられるのか? アメコミ官能BLが登場> http://nico.ms/nw379379

Philae2014: A new comet has been discovered, and looks like it's going to be a biggie! (possibly as bright as the moon). http://remanzacco.blogspot.com/2012/09/new-comet-c2012-s1-ison.html?spref=tw
Philae2014: Comet ISON is heading in from the orbit of Jupiter, which is roughly where I am now. It'll be huge just before I reach my target. #wasntme


HubbleTelescope: New portrait of Hubble’s deepest view of the universe, the eXtreme Deep Field, culminates 10 years of #Hubble photos: http://hbbl.us/5En

LRO_NASA: Dark Secondary Crater Cluster: the latest featured image from #LROC http://www.lroc.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/637-Dark-Secondary-Crater-Cluster.html

NASA_Dawn: Having a little ring envy today... sigh...who knows what icy surprises we'll find at #Ceres http://1.usa.gov/SqNtnb @CassiniSaturn @NASAJPL

NASA: Grunsfeld: We have a total budget bogey equal to a Discovery class mission - about $800M for a launch in 2018. http://go.nasa.gov/SjxcL7
NASA: Grunsfeld: If we're wanting to launch in 2018, we need to start planning in the next 4-6 months. http://go.nasa.gov/SjxcL7


NASA_Dawn: New comet spotted, Earth flyby Nov 2013 - @universetoday http://bit.ly/Sj7TZU @cometexplorer

MarsCuriosity: Another day in paradise! Perfect driving weather. Here's the B&W navcam view 102 ft (31 m) closer to Glenelg http://twitpic.com/aybsi0
Duuuustoid, Duuuustoid, 歩ー行は今かーいーてーきか てね。

NASA_Dawn: Ooo! Appears that #AsteroidVesta was pelted with hydrated materials at the dawn of the solar system! http://1.usa.gov/OpSewT @NASAJPL