terakinizers: インド、初の火星探査機2013年11月に打ち上げへ (http://CNN.co.jp ) http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20120816-35020507-cnn-int

tnatsu: ITは若者のためだけのツールではない。経験と見識が深い高齢者こそ!RT @R_SocialNews: 「80歳ブロガー」戦争体験を発信 http://r10.to/hAQUGa #r_socialnews

kotaism: 終戦記念日。いま「新潮45」という雑誌で「浮浪児1945」という戦後上野の地下道で暮らしていた浮浪児たちの連載をやっているのだが、元浮浪児(現80歳前後)に話を聞くと、「戦後こそ戦争」だったことがわかる。犬や残飯を食べ、凍死し、殺され、自殺していった小学生ぐらいの子供たちの話。

chandraxray: To listen in on our @NASA press conference on the record-breaking galaxy cluster, go to http://www.nasa.gov/newsaudio
chandraxray: The graphics that the panelists will using are at http://bit.ly/R2t7Po (page will be live at 1pm EDT)
chandraxray: The Phoenix Cluster got its nickname because it is located in the constellation of the Phoenix, but it also fits its remarkable properties
chandraxray: Latest Chandra Image Phoenix Cluster Sets Record Pace at Forming Stars: IMPORTANT MEDIA NOTICE:To follow along w... http://bit.ly/Snx3Yb


NASA: NASA Goes Green – Space Tech awards contract to develop eco-friendly non-toxic rocket fuels for future space missions: http://go.usa.gov/7DD

MarsCuriosity: This fan-made video is AWESOME (and I know it). http://bit.ly/Pd4ajz #MSL #wigglewigglewiggle

csa_asc: RT “@Cmdr_Hadfield: Like a robot taking a #pizza out of the oven: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/iss032e016906.html http://pic.twitter.com/b6qhy5zy

esaoperations: #MarsExpress team preparing for 1st contact w/@MarsCuriosity on #RedPlanet surface this Sunday. Details later #MEX blog http://bit.ly/QuHo9k

LRO_NASA: Did you know that this month has two full Moons? That won't happen again until July 2015! http://lunarscience.nasa.gov/articles/augusts-two-full-moons/ @NASA_Lunar