
スフェリュール。天体に衝突した小惑星は、標的天体の岩石を自身の質量に匹敵する分蒸発させる→気体岩石はプリュームか火球になって広がるが冷却されると小滴となる これがスフェリュール。Natureからの覚書。

NASA: Watch @SpaceX pre-launch briefing now on NASA TV: http://www.nasa.gov/ntv. The Falcon 9 rocket & Dragon spacecraft scheduled to launch 4:55am
NASA: Weather looking good for tomorrow morning's 4:55amET @SpaceX launch. Only 30% chance of "no-go" due to weather: http://twitpic.com/9mgpzs
NASA: RT @SpaceX: Today’s test flight is the 1st attempt by a commercial company to send a spacecraft to the Space Station #DragonLaunch
NASA: RT @SpaceX: Launch aborted.


astrobiology: JPL Proposes FINESSE Mission for Exoplanets Atmosphere Detection http://bit.ly/J6gpcA #extrasolar

Philae2014: mission day 3000! Distance to target: 70 million km

NASAKepler: Researchers uncover another remarkable find- a possible disintegrating super Mercury-size planet candidate? http://1.usa.gov/KpZ9yw

NASA_SDO: Are you ready for the eclipse this weekend? Check out the map and the local weather http://ow.ly/b05kI via @weatherchannel