MasashiKikuchi: 原発事故後、東京電力の広報が袋叩きにされた。かつて私が週刊誌の記者だったとき、朝日新聞に取材申し込みの電話をすると、朝日の広報担当者は、用件を聞く前に「週刊誌の取材に答える義務はない!」と怒鳴った。NHKも読売も産経も日経も、こんな対応はしない。朝日の酷さは東電の比ではない。

今日の昼は人生初の 飲み過ぎで嘔吐 ぶちかましました しんどいこれ超しんどいね

LRO_NASA: Today's Moon Phase: New Moon!

esa: RT @sen: #VenusExpress unravels mysteries of the shrouded planet - @ESA's mission to explore the hottest planet http://bit.ly/Jn6y5q

Exoplanetology: sooo happy to announce that a team in NYC has successfully implemented the exoAPI using node.js and mongoDB
Exoplanetology: devs figuring out which platform to deploy exoAPI & once that's done, prepare to see a exoplanet mashups en masse! #SpaceApps woohooo!


ESAHerschel: We have now crossed 300 days to nominal end of helium. Just 299 days left today! Mission going into its final sprint to get science done.
ESAHerschel: Another slice of the Galactic Plane to be observed today by Hi-GAL in 5 bands. 3 more fields to be ticked off.


esaoperations: MT @ESAExhibitions: Europe in #SolarSystem slideshow in 6 langs #MarsExpress #CassiniHuygens #VenusExpress http://bit.ly/HXogax

NewHorizons2015: Did you know? Pluto's giant moon Charon is fully 50% of Pluto's diameter? The 3 little moons each have ~30x smaller diameters than Pluto.