メタン「今日置換に遭ったの…」酢酸「そりゃ災難だったな」:ハムスター速報 http://hamusoku.com/archives/6712291.html @hamusokuさんから
ラボでニヤニヤ…どころか軽く吹いた 楽しませてもらったわwww

木星に衛星2つ追加かもしれないのか http://bit.ly/zvNgrn

NASA_Hubble: Young Stars at Home in Ancient Cluster http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/science/ancient-cluster.html#.Tzp-Q3PI7H0.twitter via @NASA

CassiniSaturn: Happy Valentines Day from the Cassini Solstice Mission flight team http://1.usa.gov/xL676n

chandraxray: We had no idea that Valentine's Day was also Fritz Zwicky's birthday! (He proposed dark matter in 1933.) @universetoday http://bit.ly/yx1gug

NASAJPL: #Valentines in Space! Giant #asteroid Vesta to @NASA_Dawn: Be mine! See the <3-shaped crater: http://bitly.com/y2Z2cF

ESAHerschel: Today is nominally exactly 1 year before the end of Herschel's helium. So, it's E(nd)-365 & counting. Hopefully we reach 0 & then count up.
ESAHerschel: Our helium lifetime estimate has an error of +/- a few weeks. We hope that we actually have a little more juice in the tank than we think.


ESAHerschel: A recent Herschel APOD here: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120203.html The Eagle nebula with XMM & Herschel, featuring "the pillars of creation".

Planck: RT @chris_tibbs: Now hearing about WMAP at the @Planck conference #planck

ESAHerschel: Oops! Today is exactly 1 year before end of Herschel's helium. It's E(nd)-366 (Leap Year!) & counting. Hopefully we reach 0 & then count up.
こまけえwww few weeksの誤差があるなら閏1日分はどうでもいいだろwww