@sasakitoshinao: Twitterなどでの活動が一定期間停止したら死んだと判断し、近親者にPWDを通知。ソーシャルメディアライフログ化していく未来。/…PassMyWill http://j.mp/nQzCCG


IBEX_NASA: My team tells me that Solar Week is coming up Oct 17-21. I bet that would be fun for teachers & students! http://solarweek.org/cms/
久し振りのIBEX登場 なんで太陽のこと言ってんだこいつと思ったけど太陽風みてましたね、うん

NASA: Launch of our NPP Earth science satellite from California moves two days to Oct. 27. http://go.nasa.gov/peZsk6
試薬っぽい名前の衛星No.1のNPP 名前の由来すら何かの略…NPOESSて何?

esa: First #Vega starts journey to Europe’s Spaceport http://bit.ly/omAXrX

LRO_NASA: Beautiful LPOD today - Moon through a telescope. Here's hoping that lots of you have clear skies on Saturday too! http://fb.me/1kGmjK0yd

NASA_SDO: We need you to help us find a comet! Check out today's blog for details: http://cot.ag/obXc2S

LRO_NASA: I just heard from someone who said mine was the first account he followed on Twitter, and it got him interested in social media.

NASA: Here's how #Hubble contributed to the 2011 #NobelPrize in Physics awarded today. http://go.nasa.gov/qZOp2P
えーーーそうなんだ。あとでよむ …かも

MarsCuriosity: I'm as pretty as a picture! This gallery of illustrations shows key launch & landing events: http://bitly.com/qHxEWB
launch vehicleとか色々見れるよ 併しキュリオの言い草がwwww

Akatsuki_JAXA: あっ、フォロワーさんが43600ちょうどになってるよ!! toi toi toi !!

JAXA_jp: 水星の謎を探れ!ベピコロンボ計画 http://goo.gl/fb/5yefh
いきなり音が出る注意。こどもむけでござった やっと表沙汰になったねえ…もうそろそろ打ち上がってもいい頃の筈が…