
届いた日経サイエンスが、なんだか凄く面白く感じた。なんつーか、刺激に飢えてるのか?THE CELL日本語版つまり細胞の分子生物学、購入してしまった。もうね、時間が足らない。入試対策に6章近辺読みたかったんだ…英語じゃ時間かかるし…

NASA " You're outta here! Hubble discovered that a hyperfast star was booted from the Milky Way. Check it out! http://cot.ag/arB7RV "

chandraxray " NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory: launched July 23, 1999 & is the most sophisticated X-ray observatory built to date. http://bit.ly/d5BE8V"
chandraxray " Animations and video of the mission that launched Chandra into space: http://chandra.si.edu/resources/animations/sts93.html"


NASA " Odyssey yields the most accurate maps of Mars ever. What resolution! Check it out! http://cot.ag/asMbpi"

MarsCuriosity " I'm 3.5 ft. taller this week! Now I have a neck & head (aka mast). Eyes are turned away in this pic. http://twitpic.com/27xag9"
MarsCuriosity " Very busy in the clean room as I get ready to roll for the 1st time in about 15 mins (2pmPDT/21UTC) Join us: http://bit.ly/92t5HI"

MarsRovers " Aww, they grow up so fast! @MarsCuriosity is taking its first test drive in the clean room right NOW! Live at http://bit.ly/dd67TN"