今日のセミナーは今迄の中で一番マトモな出来だったんじゃないかな…しかしPower point viewer、パワポそのもののソフト(viewerじゃなくて)と表示に互換性がない事が良くある。一つのテキストボックスの中に左揃えと中央揃えを混ぜると狂うし、背景の透過性は無視だし。ふずくんな!!

Ooh - more distant galaxies from @ESAHerschel - http://bit.ly/9rsP7Q and http://bit.ly/acLNfW . Still doesn't see back as far as me :-)
My first all-sky image is finally released - it's very beautiful! http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=47333
And on the BBC! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/science_and_environment/10501154.stm
"Full Sky Map"->FSM->Flying Spaghetti Monster. And as @astronomyblog notes, there's a hint of similarity there. Conicidence?
My BBC article is in the top 10 read pages http://bit.ly/9MSFcz :-)
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