KAGAYA_11949: アイスランドの深夜、満月の光でできたムーンボウ(月虹)。 半年前から計画をたててチャンスを待ち、ついにとらえました。虹の上に北斗七星が見えています。(スコーガ滝にて) http://pic.twitter.com/H0DEa4AhCi

NASA_Dawn: Aw! Earth, would you wave to me?? I'm waving even now #blueionofawave http://1.usa.gov/1dB0mDX @CassiniSaturn @NASAJPL http://pic.twitter.com/efB1noZS23
NASA_Dawn: Hey @PlanetaryKeri ! Saw your snapshopt!! Try the bottom right quad, click around image http://1.usa.gov/179vd7E
NASA_Dawn: Ha! @NationalZoo's unfettered enthusiam for #MeiXiang's new babe = our thrill in anticipation of #Ceres and her icy mysteries! ;) #cubwatch


NASA: My how time flies! @NASASpitzer is celebrating 10-years in space & looks forward to a great future! http://go.nasa.gov/1f7rB7c
NASAspitzer: It's my tenth birthday! http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/news/1550-ssc2013-07-NASA-s-Spitzer-Telescope-Celebrates-10-Years-in-Space
NASA_Hubble: NASA's Spitzer Telescope Celebrates 10 Years in Space | NASA http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/spitzer/news/spitzer20130823.html#.UhebVZYHw88.twitter


NASA_SDO: Another sungrazer #comet is closing in on the Sun today! See pic (blue disc blocks Sun): http://ow.ly/i/2Xo9r

NewHorizons2015: So many planets! The solar system is teeming--celebrate! pic.twitter.com/SNfnd8Yn21
地球の次にあたる赤い星と青い星は…赤いの火星で青いの月とか言う気か?月でかすぎわろり あと冥王星入ってら