esaoperations: We're inviting a few friends to help us celebrate the #MarsExpress 10th birthday at #ESOC on 3 Jun
MEXの誕生日会にちょこっとだけ招待するという…倍率どんぐらいだったんだろう MEXの誕生日自体は6月2日

ESAHerschel: Today @ESAHerschel is working on the second part of the SPIRE post-cryo tests. Everything working very smoothly indeed.
はい。  身辺整理ってやつだな完全に

NewHorizons2015: Pluto's moons: Charon as big as Texas; Nix/Hydra about the size of Rhode Island; P4/P5 jst the size of counties. More moons yet to be found?