
<他人に嫌われるTwitterアピールベスト10の発表 「彼氏彼女いない」「寝てない」> http://nico.ms/nw578292

淡路の地震液状化現象か 埋め立て地で泥水など噴出 - 朝日新聞デジタル http://t.asahi.com/agsl

NASA_SDO: And here is the sun! http://ow.ly/i/1SAyq great sunspot images from Hinode #NASASocial
ひのでが撮影した落とし穴。   じゃない。

chandraxray: Pink Planets and Green Galaxies: Coloring the Universe – A wonderful article about how space images get their color. http://ht.ly/k0vqN

MarsCuriosity: It's important to stop & smell the atmosphere. See the science I did just before solar conjunction [video] http://bit.ly/170z3Nl
NASA: A new video about @MarsCuriosity revealing more about the Red Planet's atmosphere being different now than before. http://go.nasa.gov/14i1ydF


Exoplanetology: Bwahaha. Laughable. RT @Astrobiology IAU: No, You Can't Name That Exoplanet http://bit.ly/111bW3l

SOFIAtelescope: Celebrating #NASASOFIA's 100th flight last night! We look forward to many more! http://ow.ly/i/1SJK8 More at: http://ow.ly/k1p4O

MarsRovers: Vista Point: Oppy casts a shadow across Endeavour Crater. Science will resume once solar conjunction passes http://twitpic.com/civx0e

NASA_Dawn: Missing Vesta...sigh. Think I'll do a little asteroid mapping. Join me? http://1.usa.gov/UdDTpO @AsteroidMappers #CitizenScience