

NASA: Practice makes perfect in the case of the placing mirrors on the @NASAWebbTelescp! Watch the video! http://go.nasa.gov/ZTuJvw

NASAKepler: Our star, at α = 0, δ = 0, marking the beginning of astronomical time. Equal day and night for all earthlings.... http://fb.me/PDTxEheK

HiRISE: So, an unexpected tour has come up, which moves back out release a bit. But that's okay, we love this kind of thing. #fb

Planck: I'm getting very excited about showing off my new maps and results tomorrow :-) Already seen lots of articles pondering what might be said!

Philae2014: Today @DLR_de my engineers are meeting with @CNES_France and @esaoperations engineers to discuss my delivery and landing in detail!

Planck: My detectors were sensitive to temperature !changes of a millionth of a degree!
Planck: If you want to watch the @ESA conference live, go to http://www.esa.int
Planck: The data presented today are only half the total collected. I'll continue observing until the autumn.


Planck: My image of the sky contains 50 million pixels! That tells us lots about the first tiny fraction of a second of the Universe!
Planck: The CMB map tells us about the period of inflation - the first tiny fraction (about 10^-30) of a second after the big bang!
Planck: Now George is comparing my maps with those from the @NASA WMAP satellite!
Planck: The age of the Universe is estimated to be 13.82 billion years older - accurate to 0.3%

COBEは忘れられたのだ…  で、この4番目のツイートがニュースのメインですね

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