
lessor_tw: 良いニュース。「平等」も勿論だけど、成年後見を必要とする「判断能力」と投票のための「判断能力」は全く別のもの。「投票先が誘導されるのでは」と言うなら、それは成年後見とは無関係にも存在する話。→成年後見制度で選挙権制限は違憲東京地裁 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130314-00000691-yom-soci

NASA: NASA data show plant growth has increased across the North in the past 30 yrs. #climate365 #climatechange http://twitpic.com/cb1ton

LRO_NASA: LRO data relase #13 to the Planetary Data System (PDS). There is over 400 TB of data from LRO in the PDS! http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/733-LROC-13th-PDS-Delivery.html

esa: SOHO image RT @SungrazerComets: Mars entered LASCO C3 today (on left), while Venus still shines brightly in there too http://1.usa.gov/Wber4F

Exoplanetology: Q: Which planet has an island within a lake on an island within a lake..? Or a volcano within a lake on a volcano?
Exoplanetology: Congrats to @victoriavarone for the correct answer. Yes, Earth has that recursive geography: Vulcan Point! [cue Star Trek + Inception]
Exoplanetology: Vulcan Point : An Island within a Lake on an Island within a Lake on an Island... http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/events/department-news/802/an-island-within-a-lake-on-an-island-within-a-lake-on-an-island/


csa_asc: Thank you! :) RT @bethbeck: Maple syrup toast to all Canadians! @lancetay @Cmdr_Hadfield @csa_asc #nasa :-D

MESSENGER2011: Planetary Data System Releases MESSENGER Data from Third Mercury Solar Day http://bit.ly/Ybg8eG