修論提出おーわり いやよかったよかった。

TOBA_AQUARIUM: ダイオウ・グソク・オオグソク: 先月末、現在飼育中のダイオウグソクムシ№1、№5に加えて、新たに5個体のダイオウグソクムシが入館しました(№6〜№10)。 しばらくバックヤードで飼育していたのですが、どれもサイズが大きく迫力... http://bit.ly/TFa6p9


NASA_Dawn: Earth'll get a kiss frm an asteroid day after Valentine's http://1.usa.gov/VUQBra [no worries, it's just #BlowingYouAKiss] @NASA @AsteroidWatch
そんな表現してみてもNo Thank Youだわな

NASAKepler: Astronomers estimate that 6% of red dwarfs have an Earth-size planet. the nearest could be just 13 light years away http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/kepler/news/kepler-data-suggests-earth-size-planets-next-door.html

NASAKepler: Scientists don't know if life could exist around red dwarfs, but there are now more cosmic neighborhoods to search for planets like Earth.
NASAKepler: V Meadows: The close-in habitable zone of red dwarfs make planets vulnerable to the effects of stellar flares and gravitational interactions


NASAspitzer: Today we're searching for bright, compact galaxy cores called AGN, and watching the possible last stages of planet formation #SpitzersDay

MarsCuriosity: BTW, the anniversary is 1/2 year in Earth years or about 1/4 year in Mars years (a full Martian year is 687 Earth days).