sasakitoshinao: Twitterが過去の全発言DL可能に。これはすごいライフログ。使い道は無限にありそう。/ダウンロード可能となるTwitter全発言データの使い方 http://bit.ly/U3KYXi

ファイナルファンタジー13:最新作「ライトニング リターンズ」 13年発売へ - http://mantan-web.jp/2012/09/01/20120901dog00m200004000c.html

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GRAIL_101: Getting closer and closer: One hour to #GRAIL’s crash landing on the Moon to put an end to a 464-day mission.
NASAJuno: Farewell #GRAIL, our gravity mapping cousin, assembled in the same cleanroom, right next to Juno

なんかあかIKAのような…ではなく、はやぶさすざくの様な関係性だ いやあいつら組立が同じ部屋ではないと思うけどロケットが

NASAJuno: In fact, the Juno team joked that techs should be careful not to integrate the 2 small #GRAIL spacecraft as instruments on Juno!

LRO_NASA: I'm going to miss my orbiting buddies, Ebb and Flow! #GRAIL http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/grail/news/grail20121214.html
LRO_NASA: Only about 2 minutes until #GRAIL A impacts!
GRAIL_101: EBB IMPACT – The first of the #GRAIL Twins has completed its final dive and made its mission-ending impact on the Lunar Surface.
GRAIL_101: FLOW IMPACT – The second of the #GRAIL Twins has ended its Flight with a crash landing on the Moon.
LRO_NASA: Congratulations on an amazing mission, @GRAIL_101. Farewell Ebb and Flow! #GRAIL


LRO_NASA: There are now 2 fewer spacecraft orbiting the Moon. But don't worry, @LADEE_NASA is launching this summer and heading to the Moon #GRAIL
知ってるーもう来年次のがあるんだよね このタイミングで言うと後追いのようでもあります

NASA: Impact Complete! @NASA's #GRAIL Ebb & Flow orbiters reach their final destination near the moon's north pole. http://go.nasa.gov/Xyt1if
NASA: Final resting place on the moon of @NASA spacecraft Ebb & Flow has been named for astronaut and #GRAIL collaborator Sally Ride!


Planck: The latest scientific paper based on my data, regarding dark matter halos, is now online: http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.4131