むしゃくしゃしていたので懐中電灯持って夕方に近くの山に登って降りてきた わりときもちよかった

http://nature.com/srep/2012/120813/srep00573/full/srep00573.html なう 例のALSの岐阜薬のやつ。これ下のサプリ資料見るとMSとかBSとかあるんだけどなにファーストオーサーMSなんですけどねえ!!!!!修士か!!!!!


週60時間で年収400万円と、週15時間で年収100間年のどっちがいい? 多様性が増えているのは決して否定されるべきじゃ無いと思う。phaさんの著書についての論考。/年収低収入だけど少ししか働かず毎日平日昼間から遊んで暮らす生き方 http://bit.ly/PxSd5O
sasakitoshinao: 全員ができないとダメだ、という非難ですね。 RT @esta_pm: 「週15時間で年収100万円」が社会的に非難されがちだけど、そもそもこれを非難する人って何で非難するのだろう?

chandraxray: Vote for the Phoenix Cluster as your favorite space story of last week @spacedotcom http://bit.ly/TNso4n

SOFIAtelescope: Pyrotechnics, Morse code and a sundial. What other hidden tools does Curiosity carry? #MSL http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/08/curiositys-secrets/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Top+Stories%29&pid=4629

NASA: Studies on codependent bacteria and plants in space may translate into benefits on Earth as well as space. http://go.nasa.gov/P9v1KH

esaoperations: #FirstContact: Update on yesterday's data relay from @MarsCuriosity by #MarsExpress in the #MEX blog http://bit.ly/Ot6C3T

NASAJuno: Happy 35th birthday Voyager 2. And we thought 5 years seemed like a long cruise! http://1.usa.gov/SfDP6B
NASAVoyager2: 35 ain't too shabby: I recently became the longest operating spacecraft ever http://1.usa.gov/QiHEl3


NASAJPL: What's next for @NASA? @InSightMission selected to got to Mars in 2016. Listen live now: http://www.nasa.gov/newsaudio
InsightMission: Was that a #marsquake? No, it was our team leaping with excitement! @NASA selected us to launch in 2016: http://1.usa.gov/PA3ynA
OSIRISREx: Mars has a big decode coming up with @MarsCuriosity, @MAVEN2Mars, and now @InSightMission. Congrats to the newest Discovery mission!


CassiniSaturn: Stargazers, look low on the W horizon 2nite for Mars, Saturn & Spica. Tomorrow, the moon joins the trio. http://pic.twitter.com/yZ0JxXG7

esa: Fourth #Galileo satellite reaches French Guiana launch site http://bit.ly/OL5Nkg

NewHorizons2015: FLASH! Possible distant but interesting New Horizons KBO flyby in Jan 2015, BEFORE Pluto!
NewHorizons2015: FLASH! Our possible KBO encounter in Jan 2015 is not a close flyby-75 million km off-but there's science in it no other observatory can do!
