ohnuki_tsuyoshi: 上の世代は、原発やめろ、でも社会保障費は減額するな、消費税は値上げするな、借金と放射性廃棄物はそのうち何とかしろって判断なのか?まあ原発やめろ以外は震災前から変わっていないが。
ohnuki_tsuyoshi: @terakinizers はい。使用済み核燃料も国債も、イヤイヤしていれば消えてなくなるものではないのですから、親から与えられた「経済大国日本」をのうのうと謳歌してあとはよろしくではなく、次の世代に誇りある日本を遺すことをそろそろ考え始めて欲しいと思います。


エボラ出血熱、典型症状なく発見遅れる ウガンダ当局(http://CNN.co.jp ) - Y!ニュース http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20120730-00000007-cnn-int

NewHorizons2015: And it's another green beacon from New Horizons this Monday! All's well on the road to the solar system's frontier!

NASA_Orion: Orion will take humans to asteroids and one day Mars Check out what the first steps on those journeys will look like http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=149475491

NASAJPL: The Long Goodbye: @NASA_Dawn is in its month-long departure from giant asteroid #Vesta [Blog] http://bit.ly/Q6xpnE

esaoperations: #STS46 20 yrs: 1st Swiss & 3rd ESA astro in space (Claude Nicollier), 1st #Italian in space (Franco Malerba) #Eureca http://bit.ly/QckQHF
esaoperations: 20 yrs ago: ESA's #Eureca in dramatic deployment from #STS46. Today, Paolo Ferri is head of planetary missions #ESOC
esa: Launched 20 years ago today, NASA's #STS46 mission marked a number of European firsts ...


NASA: Awesome view from our Aqua satellite of the "Bloomin' Black Sea" earlier this month. http://go.nasa.gov/Piocoh

NASA: There's so much going on to support @MarsCuriosity! Here's the schedule of events & ways to stay up-to-date! http://go.nasa.gov/PiAAVh

chandraxray: Cool, that's us! RT @NASA [Image of the Day] X-rays From A Young Supernova Remnant http://go.nasa.gov/OGLlUX #iotd
チャンドラが撮影したっぽいです 教養として。

NASAWebbTelescp: PHOTO-The Canadian Space Agency's clamshell shipping container w/FGS/NIRISS & cool banner is moved @ NASA Goddard. http://pic.twitter.com/kTADGvGS