kantomi: スカイツリーが周辺のホームレスを追いやったという主張。 http://on.fb.me/Mm7XI5 追いやったのは事実ですが、これを言ってる間はホームレスは永久に浮かばれない。 主張する前に、「何が提供できるか」が、資本主義では重要。 そう考え方を変えないと仕方がない。


42yen_no_: @masason に「太陽光42円は高すぎる。経産省が意見募集してるから反対意見をどんどん言おう」 http://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&id=620112023&Mode=0 とツイートしたら。アカウントごと削除されました。堀義人さんが証人です http://p.twipple.jp/6a5eY

MESSENGER2011: If you were a MESSENGER scientist, what would you want to know about Mercury that we haven't asked yet?

NASAJuno: As of today, Juno has traveled 4.2 AU, which is the distance from Earth’s orbit to Jupiter’s orbit. Mission status http://bit.ly/AfmZYj

OSIRISREx: The SpaceX Launch captured over Disney's mission space. double prizes! @WaltDisneyWorld http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2012/05/spacex-rocket-soars-over-mission-space-at-epcot/

NASAJPL: A black hole hunter, @NASANuSTAR, is scheduled to launch no earlier than June 13 from the Marshall Islands http://1.usa.gov/LzbQg1
NASANuSTAR: Gearing up for launch no earlier than June 13 and hoping to arrive at Kwajalein on June 6 http://1.usa.gov/Lk8cUq


GRAIL_MoonKAM: The current #GRAIL MoonKAM mission is ending. All photo requests need to be in by tmrw at 9 am PDT! The next mission starts in August!

NASA_SDO: Check out these awesome solar eclipse images from the weekend! http://ow.ly/b4r5i via @NatGeo

NASA: NASA Mars Rover Opportunity, with a low sun angle view, took this picture of a large Martian crater! http://go.nasa.gov/JbvBnx
MarsRovers: Late-afternoon shadows stretch toward Mars' Endeavour Crater in this view from @NASA's Opportunity rover: http://bitly.com/JbwrRf


esaoperations: Hold on to your stomachs! RT @DiegoU Head dive http://instagr.am/p/K9W7acETm5/
…何してんの?  ま、他のツイートで、これがMars500関連のナニカである事はわかるんですが

NASA_SDO: Ever wonder how big sunspots are? @universetoday tackles the question: http://ow.ly/b4uP5

NASA_Dawn: Dawn's latest mission status is up! http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/status.asp