
grandecoffee: 抗議先一覧! RT @minamimitsuhiro: こんなゴミ買うなら、新聞の押し紙買ったほうがマシ @hime_0: 『韓国国債数百億購入』反対メール送信のおねがい(*-ω人) http://000hime.blog74.fc2.com/blog-entry-521.html

NikkeiScience: 賢い方法に基づいて原子力の開発を進めれば,原子力は真の意味で持続可能かつ実質的に無尽蔵,しかも気候変動を引き起こすことのないエネルギー源となるだろう。日経サイエンス2006年3月号「核燃料完全リサイクルへの挑戦」 http://ow.ly/aLcLX #サイエンス #原発

NASA_Dawn: NASAWomen offering terrific mentoring opp for girls in 5th-8th grade - CHECK IT OUT! http://women.nasa.gov/nasa-g-i-r-l-s/

NASAWebbTelescp: NASA's Cassini sees Titan's atmosphere in infrared. #JWST will provide complimentary data & long-term perspective. http://1.usa.gov/InI6P8
CassiniSaturn: Have you seen today's new image of Saturnian moon Janus? It's a real beaut! http://1.usa.gov/Jjmrc4

同じニュースじゃなかったぜ ウェッブおそい。ヤヌスそんなに美しい?サイズの割にはまともな形か

NASANuSTAR: New video describing @NASANuSTAR searching for hidden black holes http://on.fb.me/KQm87A http://bit.ly/JPUKHN http://bit.ly/J9VOVf
でも打ち上げは6月 形状やらサイズの説明が出てきます。改めて変な形ですこいつ

MarsCuriosity: Interplanetary Travel Photo: Here's a pic from inside my aeroshell during cruise to Mars. http://pic.twitter.com/xpHfGMGw
MarsCuriosity: Wonder why MAHLI's pic is blurry? The focus is switched off to protect the camera during landing at Mars. http://bitly.com/JMNTKO

「シェルの中だけど写真撮ってみた」 青緑の点は自分のLED。

ESAHerschel: Herschel Image of the Day: recognition is always nice. This plaque thanks the work of the @Planck & @ESAHerschel teams. http://twitter.com/ESAHerschel/status/199776750715158528/photo/1
ESAHerschel: The plaque is on the wall of the common area shared by HSC & the @Planck Science Office, in front of the small garden seen in the reflection


NASA: Methane, batteries, liquefied natural gas? All #nasaaero options for powering airplanes in 2050. http://go.nasa.gov/JZgKxx