ryoko174: ドイツは各電力消費者あたり年間260ドル(約2万円)の追加費用を再生エネルギーのために負担してもらったが、太陽エネルギーは総発電量の0.3%しか生むことができず、軌道修正中です。残念ながら日本も同じ失敗を繰り返そうとしています。 http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/project_syndicate/2012/02/why_germany_is_phasing_out_its_solar_power_subsidies_.html

natureでのんびり英語の勉強するのが休憩ってのはワーカホリックでしょうか あっ家の棚組み立て始めました

seikuudou55: 暴力団と売春業者が10代少女200人以上の売春をあっせん=韓国 http://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2012&d=0503&f=national_0503_060.shtml  いつもの変わらない風景

esaoperations: Europe’s next large science mission: #JUICE http://bit.ly/ITJeaV Ganymede: here we come
csa_asc: RT @esaoperations Europe’s next large science mission: #JUICE http://bit.ly/ITJeaV Ganymede: here we come!


chandraxray: Read a behind-the-scenes account of the M83 discovery we announced on Monday on the Chandra blog: http://bit.ly/JR5HqS

MarsCuriosity: Thanks, @Philae2014! Love this photo you took of Mars during your 2007 flyby: http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Rosetta/SEMVZ2N0LYE_1.html

MESSENGER2011: I'm kind of liking this new orbit. I'm a little closer to the planet & only takes me 8 hrs to orbit instead of 12.
MESSENGER2011: This is a cool color image of the crater Kuiper, http://bit.ly/ImabUa


NASAJuno: Great news for outer planets exploration! @ESA selects a Jupiter Ganymede orbiter mission! http://bit.ly/IuI7Sk
ガニメデ"周回軌道"なわけね 併し他にもRTがあったりしてなかなかのフィーバーっぷりですJUICE。

esaoperations: Starting now #rp12 Space experts from @ESA & @NASA & @DLR_de discuss 'Tweeting from Space' live via http://bit.ly/JTifRt
またこの組み合わせでのトーク番組。好きだねえ 日本語訳記事ください

NASAJPL: Astronomers with help from @NASA's #GALEX catch supermassive black hole red-handed in "stellar homicide" http://bitly.com/In2AWO

NASA_Dawn: Beautiful, wispy, dusty Justina crater! http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/imageoftheday/image.asp?date=20120502

ESAHerschel: Herschel Image of the Day: lensed galaxies abound! A snapshot of the ATLAS survey identifying 5 lensed systems. http://pic.twitter.com/gtIZ6ib8
ESAHerschel: The 4 degree field of this Herschel-ATLAS snapshot shows some 15000 galaxies. Some of these systems appear "too bright" due to lensing.
ESAHerschel: Lensing is caused by the mass of a closer galaxy concentrating the light of a more distant system in the same way that a telescope lens does
レンジング…と言ったか?まぁ、多分あかつきとかとは違う 光量調整っぽいもんなこれ。

NewHorizons2015: Did you know? New Horizons will study the composition, clouds/hazes, and temperature and pressure profiles in Pluto's N2-CO-CH4 atmosphere.