MasashiKikuchi: 勘違いしてる人が多いが、プライベートジェットとは「レンタカー」みたいなもので、個人が飛行機を持つわけではない。中国の国土の広さと貧弱な交通インフラを考えれば、台数が増えるのは当然。 / プライベートジェット、保有台数急増 中国・西南部… http://ow.ly/9dcls

NASAWebbTelescp: Reflections - neat perspective in this shot taken in #JWST’s flight spare primary mirror segment. #behindthescenes http://bit.ly/x0jZGa

NASA_SDO: Yesterday's Lunar Transit could only be seen from space. Good thing we have SDO! http://twitpic.com/8n9v67

NASAspitzer: Spitzer discovered buckyball particles in space -- each particle contains stacks of millions of buckyballs! http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/news/1374-ssc2012-03-NASA-s-Spitzer-Finds-Solid-Buckyballs-in-Space

NASAJuno: Ooh, pretty…Jupiter, Venus and the moon converge for some lovely views this weekend http://bit.ly/zhnyVe
なんだろう なんか その口調 こわい

ESAHerschel: In January, Herschel experienced the biggest solar proton storm since Halloween 2003, but a study of the data shows no significant effects.
ESAHerschel: Herschel seems to be much more resilliant to solar storms than anyone had expected. Good news with solar maximum approaching!!


chandraxray: Black hole wind speeds correspond to a category 81 hurricane, but we like to think of it as category 11: http://bit.ly/w15jEu
何故。 記事こないだのやつやん…私にはこのツイートの理由がわからんぞ…

esaoperations: ESA's Michael Khan from #esoc mission analysis team now talking on a future mission profile at #Mars500 event
おお、またやるのか…。宇宙飛行士の類って人体実験の被験体みたいだ 完全に。

NASAJPL: Earth's moon's a thin crescent today & so's Saturn's moon Enceladus, captured in a new @CassiniSaturn pic: http://pic.twitter.com/OwJWDWjl

Philae2014: Mission day: 2914 - Distance to target: 84 million km