K_Miyamichi: ダルベッコ先生が死去。享年97歳。この方を師匠の師匠の師匠(の師匠)あたりに持っている人は非常に多いと思う。僕もそうです。ご冥福をお祈りします。http://www.latimes.com/news/custom/scimedemail/la-me-renato-dulbecco-20120221,0,4225456.story

生理からの眠気と体の重さが尋常じゃない コンタクトレンズのために眼科行ったんだが、待合室で居眠りせずにはいられなかった

私に言わせれば 何いい年して絵文字使ってんだよ厨房か である。私と私の周りでは絵文字なしはふつう http://bit.ly/y0Xu0v

esa: #atvtweetup details & registration form now online - join us & @CNES_France on 18/19 March in Toulouse, France http://bit.ly/zPq0au

ESAHerschel: Herschel meets Comet Garradd. The second set of observations of this interesting comet are on Wednesday morning.
ESAHerschel: Another Herschel highlight coming up is the the start of a campaign to observe a full rotation of Pluto with SPIRE.
ESAHerschel: Pluto is better placed to observe in 2013 - further above the Galactic Plane - but we can't guarantee that the helium will hold out to then.
ESAHerschel: The big challenge over the next 12 months is to get everyone's data before the helium runs out. This means very efficient scheduling.


csa_asc: February 20, 2001: OSIRIS, a Canadian instrument that measures ozone depletion, is launched aboard the Odin Satellite http://bit.ly/wyEAG2

CassiniSaturn: New image of the week! Mimas and cutoff ri http://1.usa.gov/zr4YND
CassiniSaturn: Cutoff tweet should say.. New image of the week! Mimas and cutoff ring view http://1.usa.gov/zr4YND
