R_SocialNews: クリスタルガイザー公式Twitterが謝りつづける理由 http://bit.ly/yakGgp  #r_socialnews

yas_kawamura: 二宮金次郎像の撤去って、いよいよ大人まで馬鹿になったって事か。二宮金次郎像の意図は、「歩きながら勉強しろ」じゃねえだろ。寸暇を惜しんで学ぶ姿勢を持ちないって言う意味だ。ものが指し示す暗喩、意図を読み取ることをとことん無くしていったら、いよいよアホの子ばっかりになるじゃねえか。


Philae2014: I don't take as many pictures as OSIRIS does, aboard my mothership #Rosetta. There are several reasons for this. (1/3)
Philae2014: One of those reasons is that my cameras don't point in the same direction. So if OSIRIS can see something, I can't! (2/3)
Philae2014: You can find a nice picture I took of Mars on the DLR website - http://www.dlr.de/rb/DesktopDefault.aspx/tabid-4539/7501_read-11285/gallery-1/gallery_read-Image.38.4658/ -- please note the image is © CIVA/Philae/ESA (3/3)


NASAJPL: One Step Closer to Liftoff! @NASANuSTAR spacecraft leaves for CA en route to planned South Pacific launch: http://bitly.com/AEkpgN

Exoplanetology: “Robots do have a soul, & their soul is your imagination, your future.” http://tw.physorg.com/246713617 Robots are our inter/exo planetary emissaries

NASAJPL: Sand Art on Mars: Wind-sculpted dunes & sand ripples form striking pattern in new image from @HiRISE: http://bitly.com/Aubl93

LRO_NASA: Granular flows and spectacular mare basalt layering in Dawes crater http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/493-Dawes.html

esa: RT @SungrazerComets: A little early for Valentine's , a heart-shaped CME erupted a couple of hrs ago in SOHO/LASCO http://1.usa.gov/AugnVJ