【私たちにできることを!】台湾にて(中国よりの政権を打倒し)政権奪還の可能性あり!!協力求む。  #MPJ http://www.sns-freejapan.jp/2012/01/11/taiwan-2/ @freejapanさんから /興味深いものが流れてきました。


YahooNewsTopics: 山田前農相 米にTPP反対伝達 http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/economy/tpp/ #yjfc_tpp

漫画を「読めない」子どもが増えてる。間を想像して話を読み進めることができない http://togetter.com/li/240365 漫画を見下す(ゲームもな)人、あるいはそういう人が身近にいる人。そして子供がいる人は見た方が良いと思う。


Philae2014: lots of my scientists are congregating in the Netherlands this week, for the #Rosetta Science Operations Working Group meeting

NASA_Orion: NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden writes a note of congratulations to the Lockheed Martin Orion team http://pic.twitter.com/UwDtNQfo
NASA_Orion: Astronaut Bruce McCandless greets NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden at the Lockheed Martin Denver facility. http://pic.twitter.com/txkXFqlP


NASA_SDO: A solar wind stream caused beautiful auroras around the Arctic Circle yesterday: http://cot.ag/yn81F3 via spaceweather.com #aurora

NASA_Dawn: Beautiful crater chains on Image of the Day! http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/imageoftheday/image.asp?date=20120111

NASAKepler: Kepler announces the discovery of two NEW double-star planet systems - http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/kepler/news/kepler-34-35.html
NASAKepler: W Welsh: This work further establishes that such 'two sun' world systems are not rare exceptions.
NASAKepler: With Kepler-16, these new systems, Kepler-34 and Kepler-35, account for a third circumbinary planet system confirmed.


NASAKepler: Also today... NASA's Kepler Mission Finds Three Smallest Exoplanets: http://1.usa.gov/y3Z4Yd #AAS219
NASAKepler: The planets orbit a single star, called KOI-961, are 0.78, 0.73 & 0.57 times the radius of Earth. The smallest is about the size of Mars!NASAKepler: All three planets around KOI-961 are thought to be rocky like Earth, but orbit close to their star, so not in the 'habitable zone.'
NASAKepler: Sizing up the Exoplanets [Image]: http://1.usa.gov/yBb5Bp


LRO_NASA: Billions of years old, with lots of wrinkles, and the Moon's still a beauty. http://fb.me/UbC7TL1A
この日の記事 http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/504-Craggy-Peak,-Impact-Melts.html#extended

MarsCuriosity: VROOM! I've begun firing thruster engines for my 1st & largest flight-path adjustment of the trip to Mars: http://bitly.com/yOLtEZ

NewHorizons2015: Did you know? Next month we'll cross the 10 Au to Pluto marker! Then it's 10..9...8...7....

Planck: My HFI instrument will soon be completing its mission. The last commands to the helium flow system were sent yesterday...
Planck: Over the next few days the HFI bolometers will be warm up until they are unusable for scientific data...


Planck: But while HFI's mission is drawing to a close, the LFI instrument is still going strong, as it doesn't need to be kept as cool.
