
RT @NikkeiScience: ホワイトブリザードクリスマス(´・ω・`)北日本の皆様お気をつけください。
北日本はどうなっているんだろう。あと松本。松本にいた頃はホワイトクリスマスが当たり前だったなー なんもなかったけどな

T_SONOYAMA: ある喫煙コーナーで高校生ぐらいの小僧共が煙草をふかしてる所に居合わせた爺さん、ニヤリと笑って「十代で吸いすぎるとちんちん勃たんようになるでェ」と言い放った。すると、まるで魔法のように小僧共が手にした煙草を次々と消し始めた。こんな喫煙注意は初めて見た。爺△w

NASA: NASA's Dawn spacecraft has sent back the first images of asteroid Vesta's surface from low orbit. http://go.nasa.gov/tyvUX5

NASA: We tested Orion's parachutes yesterday. Worked as designed and looked great all the way to its landing! http://go.nasa.gov/tq8h7j

MESSENGER2011: I know my friend SDO has had some of his images on Big Bang Theory. Anyone know how I can get mine on there?

NASAJPL: An extreme star-making machine! @NASASpitzer & @NASA_Hubble see galaxy producing stars at shocking rate: http://1.usa.gov/sGUObT
NASAspitzer: Extreme star-making machine found at dawn of time! http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/news/1344-ssc2011-10-NASA-Telescopes-Help-Find-Rare-Galaxy-at-Dawn-of-Time-


LRO_NASA: On today's solstice, a look back at one of the the first glimpses humankind was given of their home from the Moon... http://fb.me/1lSxt5baw

NewHorizons2015: Did you know? Our main objective are to map the surfaces, & surface compositions of Pluto & moons, & to assay Pluto's atmosphere.
NewHorizons2015: Secondary objectives for NH include a Charon atmosphere search, ionospheric studies, stereo terrain mapping, temperature mapping, & more.
