
natgeojp: 最古のクジラを発見、想定外の進化速度 - ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース http://bit.ly/stxPj2 #natgeojp

esa: Cosmic particle accelerators get things going http://bit.ly/taHaSM

ESAHerschel: What did Herschel find out about asteroid 2005 YU55? Take a look at the Max Planck Institute press release: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/News/20111116/text.html
ハーシェル ひっぱる

NASAJPL: Watch live! @NASA Science Update on "Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa" airs today at 10am PT (1pm ET): http://ustream.tv/nasajpl2
LRO_NASA: In case you missed this yesterday: new publication just released about possible subsurface "lakes" on Europa http://fb.me/xBjgLklr


NASA: NASA invites 150 lucky @Twitter followers to launch of @MarsCuriosity: http://go.nasa.gov/t0jRxf #NASATweetup
MarsCuriosity: See you soon! RT @NASA invites 150 lucky @Twitter followers to launch of @MarsCuriosity: http://go.nasa.gov/t0jRxf #NASATweetup


CassiniSaturn: Q @RexBorck: Know if orbiters like yourself plan to visit Uranus/Neptune in t/near future? Not near future, but some NASA & ESA studies
天王星海王星の接近観測はボ2以降ないんだからはやくしろ とはだれもが思うところ

NASA: Highest resolution near-global topographic map of the moon ever created, newly released by the @LRO_NASA team: http://go.nasa.gov/vU4Rfh