若干噛むのがつらいけど割と普通に行動できてます でも歯磨きしづらくて歯垢がたまりやすいのだけはムキー

esa: From Mars to the twittersphere - welcome to twitter @romain_charles! #Mars500
from marsて何…と思ったら案の定mars500の参加者でした

ikaroskun: 今日は姿勢を変えなきゃいけないから大変...
ikaroskun: 頑張って,たいさんぷしゅぷしゅっ噴いてるよ

嗚呼 命の推進剤が

NASA: Less than 5 minutes until launch of three new space station crew members at 11:14pmET. Watch at http://nasa.gov/ntv

esa: ESA’s cloud, aerosol and radiation mission, #EarthCARE, is about to enter its Detailed Definition Phase http://bit.ly/u5EXmI
EarthCARE 2015年打ち上げです

NewHorizons2015: Our November wake up from hibernation is proceeding well-- in fact it wraps up tomorrow! Then back to sleep until January 2nd.