
最近楽天ソーシャルニュースにフォローされたので、リフォローして見始めたけどあれはいいね。ツイ垢は R_SocialNews

HiRISE: HiPOD: Continuing Avalanches. HiRISE will be searching for more in the upcoming spring season. http://bit.ly/utYBr5 (w/audio) #fb

NASA: Reminder: You don't have to be there to participate in the NPP #NASATweetup. Send your questions using the #NASATweetup tag!

LRO_NASA: Saturn is getting in the Halloween spirit! I wonder what the Moon will do to celebrate. Any suggestions? http://fb.me/DX44n9XI
え、いややんなよ月も ホラ

NASA: RT @nay731: You can download your very own @NASANPP paper model! http://bit.ly/vz1OPj #NASATweetup #NPP

esaoperations: Asteroid #Lutetia: postcard from the past (bits of surface = ~3.6 bn yrs old!) http://bit.ly/s1YBFi #asteroid #rosetta http://bit.ly/3sqoDO

ESAHerschel: Herschel will be watching asteroid 2005YU55 as it zips by in a week and a half @ 0.85 Lunar Distances from Earth.
ESAHerschel: 2005YU55 will be by far the closest & fastest object ever observed by Herschel. It will be moving at 3.8 acseconds/second as it passes by.


NASAJPL: 75 years ago, Oct 31, JPL was born here w/ a rocket experiment in Pasadena's Arroyo Seco #JPL75 #3DThursday: http://pic.twitter.com/QuPQec64

ikaroskun: 逆回転成功した絵描いてもらったよー!!!  ありがとう! http://twitpic.com/76rjus
おおお お はやぶさ不滅

esa: Teams selected for the 2012 CanSat competition http://bit.ly/ts58BE #education

CassiniSaturn: Congrats! RT @NASA The Delta II arcs into the night sky carrying our #NPP spacecraft into orbit from California. http://twitpic.com/76xdt6