プログレスレポート?終わりゃあいいの終わりゃあ 取り敢えず10月の一番忙しいヤマが過ぎていったのがうれしい

NASA_Hubble: Keck Telescope astronomers find young (50k-100k year-old!) planet being formed: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/hawaii-astronomer-captures-image-forming-planet-14774799
今迄発見された中で一番若い、というのはすごいね。LkCa15 発音がわからない

NASA_SDO: Check out what the sun looks like today through SDO's eyes! http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/

ESAHerschel: Heschel's lean, mean, water machine strikes again! Herschel Finds Oceans of Water in Disk of Nearby Star: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/herschel/news/herschel20111020.html

ESAHerschel: UV light from the star sublimes ice-coated grains of dust near the surface of its circumstellar disk of this very young star..
ESAHerschel: The HIFI spectum of water and an artist's impression of TW Hydrae and its disk are shown here: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/herschel/multimedia/pia14870graph.html

記事を見ろ で片付けずに色々語っちゃうのがハーシェルクオリティ。

NASAspitzer: From fellow space telescope Herschel: 1000s of Earth's oceans of water & cold vapor wafting off forming solar system - http://www.herschel.caltech.edu/index.php?SiteSection=News&NewsItem=nhsc2011-018

MarsRovers: Oppy will winter at Cape York, where sunny slopes can help keep energy levels up for exploring: http://1.usa.gov/rbC5wl

ISAS_JAXA: 「あかり」がとらえた宇宙最初の星の光 http://bit.ly/npUUML 「あかり」が近赤外線(波長1~4μm)で空の明るさを観測し,宇宙で最初に生まれた星に起因すると思われる,大きな明るさの“むら”を検出しました。

esaoperations: Lift-off! #soyuz #galileo
esa: Liftoff of Soyuz VS01! #Galileo #soyuz
esa: Separation of Galileo IOV satellites!
