
esa: Liftoff of #Soyuz with #Galileo scheduled for 20 October at 12:34 CEST - info for media here http://bit.ly/oFftzG
ガリレオ打ち上げ まだだったんかい

NASA_Hubble: Nobel Prize, Physics - Hubble - Adam Reiss - Space Telescope Science Institute - Johns Hopkins - accelerating universe: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2011/10/12/nobel-prize-in-physics-2011/

MarsCuriosity: 41 days until launch!! And so excited for the launch #NASATweetup! You'll have a BLAST and I'll have a blast off!!

NASAKepler: Adorable! Does s/he have a name? RT @lynnvr RT @timmermansr: Artist impression by 11-y/o Emma of possible Kepler mascot: http://twitpic.com/6zpyvh

chandraxray: Chandra Source Catalog Google Earth interface lets you visualize the entire catalog on the sky http://j.mp/psvMKS #ArchivesMonth
Google EarthではなくGoogle Earth on the skyですか。主役チャンドラなんか

NASAJuno: What’s the really bright object next to the moon tonight? Not a UFO. A GGP: Gas Giant Planet. Our favorite one!
NASAJuno: Sorry @CassiniSaturn, no disrespect...

favorite oneではなくtwoにすべきでしたか?wでもジュノーが木星推しなの別に誰も文句言わないと思うんだが

JAXA_jp: 国際宇宙ステーションでお手伝い!宇宙ロボット「REX-J」 http://goo.gl/fb/HkTTm

esa: Welcome to Twitter Japanese astronaut @Aki_Hoshide (via @JAXA_en: [release] ) http://goo.gl/fb/6waHQ #japan #iss #exp32/33