
ESAHerschel: Does dwarf planet Makemake look like a soccer ball?? Judge for yourself! http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2011/10/06/hot-and-cold-dwarf-planet-makemake-could-have-extreme-temperatures-side-by-side/
ESAHerschel: Herschel has given a radical new twist to the Makemake mystery that explains why Herschel and Spitzer seem to see such a different object.


esaoperations: But we'll have to work hard to create anything as nice as Tom's #ATV #papermodel http://bit.ly/fw9WRj http://bit.ly/nnT62W
esaoperations: ... or this #ATV #papermodel - already docked to the #ISS! http://bit.ly/r7BUwJ http://bit.ly/mQOVxH


SOFIAtelescope: SOFIA will be at @NASAAmes this Saturday! To get your free ticket to see her click here: http://tinyurl.com/43d748g
NASAKepler: Heads-up... RT @SOFIAtelescope: SOFIA will be at @NASAAmes this Saturday! To get your free ticket to see her click here: http://tinyurl.com/43d748g


chandraxray: Did you know that Chandra data is proprietary for 1yr during which only scientists have access; after that, it become public? #ArchivesMonth
chandraxray: Did you know there are over 10,000 Chandra X-ray observations in the archive available to the public? #ArchivesMonth


Planck: Do astronomers talk with their hands? (I have a cameo role)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88S9v4cO6-4 by @zemogle, feat.@chrisenorth, @orbitingfrog & @telescoper

NASA_Dawn: Vesta's south polar mountain is larger than Mauna Kea, nearly as big as Olympus Mons! Not bad for protoplanet! http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/feature_stories/new_view_vesta_mountain.asp

NASAKepler: Bringing Nantes, FR to you. Catch a replay of the Kepler-18 press conf here: http://bit.ly/nplBZz
ケプラー18って最近見付かった?あと文中のNew itemのリンクは思わせぶりだけどアイテムってそういうアイテムじゃないよね たぶn。

JAXA_jp: 本日10月12日(水)20時30分から、ネット生放送「JAXA宇宙航空最前線」を放送予定です。今回は身近なようで知られていない「地球環境観測」についてご紹介します。お見逃しなく! http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv66039238
何故か環境系になると興味が若干薄れるアテクシ 観測にしても研究にしても…

astrobiology: Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT LRa01 field http://1.usa.gov/n1Q6Kg