
NASA: #NASAFiesta can't believe what it sees! Bumblebees? Darth Vader? Other flying things? http://flic.kr/s/aHsjwhezck More to come.

MarsCuriosity: 49 days till liftoff! All my launch teams are getting into place: http://bit.ly/qndoXQ

esa: Thanks new followers, thanks for your RTs to help us get to 30K !
esa: An amazing range of new followers today - dog sled guide, tattooist, pilot, architect, decorator, graphic designer, fish farmer ..welcome!

NASAVoyager2: I'm often asked if Hubble can see me. Short answer: no. From here, I'd have to be ~7000km across for Hubble to _just_ resolve me!
NASAVoyager2: Turning that last tweet on its head, Earth would need at least a 700m diameter telescope to see me in the optical window. And good seeing.
NASAVoyager2: One last Hubble fact: had it been aloft when I was launched, it would have lost sight of me at ~3000km distance. I'm actually quite small.


NASAKepler: I had not seen this pic...thanks! :) .@moneyman10k: RT @NASAKepler http://news.cnet.com/2300-13579_3-10009685-10.html You will be profoundly missed. Thank you Steve Jobs.

esa: Newly released images from Mars Express show an unusual accumulation of young craters in Ares Vallis http://bit.ly/r3nCg8 #mars
一行で頼む あとMEXは乙