
Exoplanetology: Living with a Red Dwarf http://dropmocks.com/iZWrn [jpg]

LRO_NASA: Happy Full Harvest Moon! Today's full Moon is the closest to the Autumnal Equinox, earning it the title of Harvest Moon.
LRO_NASA: September's full Moon is also known as the Barley Moon, the Corn Moon, or the Fruit Moon. http://fb.me/1iZ0Zgwl3


Exoplanetology: Fifty New Exoplanets Discovered by HARPS! http://bit.ly/nqV1xe 16 of them are Super-Earths with one in the Habitable Zone!
Exoplanetology: Here's the working link: http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1134/ Fifty New Exoplanets Discovered by HARPS
Exoplanetology: Now, among the 16 new Super-Earths, could the one that lies in the Habitable Zone (HD 85512 b) be Earth-like in some aspects?


Exoplanetology: Super-earth HD 85512 b was discovered last month but (re)announced today among the sweet 16. Why it stands out http://goo.gl/r5hFl

CassiniSaturn: New Cassini image of the week - a quintet of Saturn's moons fill the field of view http://1.usa.gov/ogxTLo

ikaroskun: 今日も地球が横に見えて話づらいけど,頑張って送るぞー

ISAS_JAXA: MAXI、あかり、すざくの観測データを使ったプラネタリウム新番組「見えない光で宇宙を探る-活躍するJAXAの天文観測衛星」の上映が全国公開に先行して平塚市博物館で始まりました。bit.ly/rbEVNd お近くの方はぜひご覧下さい。

esa: Herschel paints new story of #galaxy evolution http://bit.ly/q4GMob #herschel
えっ銀河の進化についてなんか新しい事を…ハーシェルが…めんどくさいので誰か訳ry ていうか本人出てこいよハーシェル

Exoplanetology: Not to be outdone by HARPS, or by Kepler, Super-WASP reveals their own discovery of 23 transiting exoplanets! The battle heats up!