
esa: ESA simulates scorching sunlight for #BepiColombo mission to Mercury bit.ly/qtU9ha #space
リンク http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Space_Engineering/SEMEV8RTJRG_0.html

Exoplanetology: That is right. Share the burden, and reap the rewards together. NASA to share #JWST telescope cost across agency bit.ly/puqVDk
記事 http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110822/full/476379a.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NatureNewsComment+%28Nature+News+%26+Comment%29
ウェッブの資金を手分けしてなんとかする作戦だと。コメントの一番上に『Why not invite the Chinese』とか書いてある。ハハハ

CassiniSaturn: Here's a new image of Dione seemingly perched above Saturn's rings. View is fr 2 million miles away. 1.usa.gov/owDI68
リンク http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/photos/imagedetails/index.cfm?imageId=4342

chandraxray: Idea 1: 1 black hole forms & swallows up enormous amounts of matter over the course of millions of yrs to produce a supermassive black hole.
chandraxray: Idea 2: A cluster of starlike black holes forms and eventually merges into a single, supermassive black hole.
chandraxray: Idea 3: 1 lrg gas cloud could collapse 2 form a supermassive black hole.What do u think? #SupermassiveBlackHoleFormation http://j.mp/qCxSIb


SOFIAtelescope: HIPO & FLITECAM instruments now on SOFIA. Ground testing of systems & ground observations the rest of this week. 2 flights next week.
SOFIA、機器の試用みたいなこと延々やってるimage レアな地上機だから正しいがね。

NASAKepler: Catch the Kepler-inspired artist depiction on #APOD today- TrES-2b: Dark Planet (or 'Darth Maul' Planet?) 1.usa.gov/o4FLTv
イラストレーションですけどね http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap110822.html

NASA: Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan will talk with @Astro_Satoshi aboard the space station. Watch on NASA TV at 8:55amET/12:55 UTC.

HiRISE: RT @marstoday: Evidence for Mars floods all dried up? bit.ly/mZDrKY #fb
記事 http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20816-evidence-for-mars-floods-all-dried-up.html

ikaroskun: kagakunote.com/2011/08/22/ika… カガクノート?  って,いうんだって スタッフのみんなも参加してくれるみたいだよ!
ikaroskun: 土曜日は僕もうすださんとお話だから,スパーバイザーの人は終わったら参加するんだよね?
ikaroskun: スタッフのみんなよろしくねー!

リンク http://www.kagakunote.com/2011/08/22/ikaros/