
MESSENGER2011: Check out the region of Mercury unseen by Mariner 10. bit.ly/noDgUu

Exoplanetology: This'll be great! sites.google.com/a/upr.edu/plan… @ProfAbelMendez now started the FAQ of the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog, hab exomoons to be included
これ https://sites.google.com/a/upr.edu/planetary-habitability-laboratory-upra/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog

NASA_Dawn: Check out the newest picture of Vesta!! Heavily cratered terrain! dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/daw
ぐろい様な気もしてくる。 http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/dawn_vesta_image_365888238.asp

NASAblueshift: One of our favorites from the NASA|Art exhibit - Norman Rockwell's painting of astronauts Young & Grissom suiting up: bit.ly/nkmb4z

ikaroskun: @Akatsuki_JAXA ペルセウス座流星群って僕のところからも見えるのかなぁ?

Exoplanetology: Hey let's make an artificial meteor maker--a robotic craft that puts objects along earth's path to make patterns of meteors.
Exoplanetology: Such crazy ideas when you can't catch falling stars. Let robots push those space debris to make something beautiful--meteors patterns!


Voyager2: Thank you all for your kind FFs & RTs during the last week. Open for q's, but remember, replies take 26H+ to get back to you...