通常運転。ていうかまたこの日がきたわけだ…^!^ 母親はまだ京都にいて今日は一緒に夕飯食べました。

NASA_SDO: Wow! RT @camilla_sdo: Video of today's very powerful X6.9 solar flare. One of the largest in this solar cycle. #NASA http://owl.li/5YKkL

NanoSailD: Today is day 200 since I unfurled my wings. I am down over 125km and still descending. Hope you get a chance to see me in the next 2 weeks!

NASA: "The United States simply cannot give up on space exploration." Editorial from @baltimoresun: http://go.nasa.gov/qlIT8r

CassiniSaturn: New image from the Titan Radar Mapper shows Titan's dunes, craters and continent-sized Xanadu. http://1.usa.gov/njYBLb

Exoplanetology: Pluto has rings? bit.ly/nRThSi Weird things are possible specially when even Earth wears an antimatter belt! bit.ly/oSOjoi

ESAHerschel: JPL has been helping Herschel in its chase of Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova. Orbit updates from JPL ae letting Herschel observe it.
ESAHerschel: Observations of 45P will be taken on Aug 13 and 14/15 with all Herschel instruments, but we need a eally accurate position to do it.