

Akatsuki_JAXA: 今日のお話し終わったー!もうちょっとしたら今の僕の軌道で一番太陽から遠くなる「遠日点」を通るんだ。だから最近は太陽から遠い時の状態がどんなか確認してもらってるよ。

NASA_Hubble: If you were in charge, what would you name Pluto's newly discovered Moon? http://ow.ly/5MrzA
NASA_Hubble: It seems there is a general consensus that people want Pluto's new moon to have an underworld theme, keeping in mind Pluto=Hades.


Exoplanetology: .@JPMajor yes, Hollow Earth theory is #hooeyptooey but how about a "Hollow Planet" theory? Could a 'hollow' exoplanet exist somewhere?
Exoplanetology: I know that an advanced civilization that can build dyson spheres can build hollow spheres but can a hollow planet form via natural means?

Hollow Planet theoryを先ずkwsk

LRO_NASA: Wow, LROC reveals low, shallow volcanic domes on the lunar far side!... http://fb.me/AeGnvd8Y
記事こっち http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/426-Farside-Highlands-Volcanism!.html
写真ささっと見ると最後の分析がナイスー ああやって可視光でわからない仕掛けを暴くのですね

NewHorizons2015: NH transmitted a green beacon indicating all is well out there so far against the abyss! Every Monday NH makes a report; we just love GREEN!

CassiniSaturn: New image of Southern Iapetus taken June 7 - only one more Iapetus flyby - March 2015. http://1.usa.gov/rk1rNx #NasaYSS
いあっぺの写真。カッシーニ死に年は2017だっけ?人生後半だけどまだ短いとも言わないねえ。only one moreってことはそのなかでイアペタスにフライバイするのは1回だけってこと?

NASA_Dawn: Discussing how the HED meteorites (textures, chemistry, brecciation) inform us about Vesta and vice-versa at the Dawn Science team meeting!

NASAJuno: Q: How many miles 4 Juno to reach Jupiter? A: 1.8 billion miles over 5 yrs. Not a direct flight! bit.ly/nxGoxx

esa: Moon Enceladus rains water onto #Saturn http://bit.ly/nZJSP3 #herschel

NASA: Registration is OPEN for #NASATweetup for moon-bound GRAIL Sept. 7-8: http://go.nasa.gov/fTJ8i3 FAQ: http://go.nasa.gov/mSuAeM