
esa: ESA IXV Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle on track for flight in 2013 http://bit.ly/kcjhB3

NASA_SDO: Spacecraft will be built with better shielding capabilities which is necessary for sending humans further into space #SWEF
NASA_SDO: How much do you know about Space Weather? How do you prepare for an event? One of the big issues is that it is not on the public radar #SWEF


NewHorizons2015: Help us find KBO flyby targets, make history with us!! planetary.org/blog/article/0…

NASA_Hubble: Astronomers use #Hubble to observe solar systems w/ similar stars to ours. May give clues to our eventual end. http://ow.ly/5mYoO

NASA_SDO: Calculating the effects of space weather was vital during the launch of @NASAHubble which fell near the peak of solar cycle 22 #SWEF

NASA_Hubble: Happy Summer Solstice everyone! http://ow.ly/5mYDk
NASAJPL: Happy solstice! Do your vacation plans include stargazing? Check this site for ideas in the US: bit.ly/m4UiFt


SOFIAtelescope: HIPO Instrument team on board. Looked at Pluto last night & will try to catch the Pluto Occultation Thursday morning. Stay tuned!

Planck: You can see all the "cold cores" candidates in the Planck early release catalogue on @chromoscope http://bit.ly/lY7pDA (via @astronomyblog)
Planck: A "cold core" is a pre-stellar core - a cloud of gas and dust which is collapsing but which has not yet formed a star.


MarsCuriosity: I feel the need… the need for speed! @NASADryden tested my Mars landing radar with an F/A-18 jet: bit.ly/kDy88m

Philae2014: My scientists are still busy finalising the scientific objectives of my mission. They're divided into 10 themes, in a 200 page document!