
MESSENGER2011: This wk is a busy 1. 6/13 I completed my 1st Mercury yr in orbit, & 6/15 had my 1st course correction: bit.ly/m5Zsi4

CassiniSaturn: RT @NASAVoyager: Not far to go to interstellar space, based on calculations from my data + @CassiniSaturn 1.usa.gov/kKSS6a

NASAJPL: Today @MarsCuriosity rover makes final on-camera appearance before leaving @NASAJPL. Watch live & chat now: bit.ly/dd67TN

MESSENGER2011: I've taken more than 20,000 image to date! Talk about a lot of pictures.
MESSENGER2011: You can follow the press conference about the new data from Mercury: 1.usa.gov/lEGEXJ
MESSENGER2011: Yes, please keep following us. More is yet to come!


MESSENGER2011: The core of Mercury is 3/4 of the radius of the planet w/ outer core is molten, metallic and mostly iron.
それでも地球の方が比重ある んだよな。

ikaroskun: ゆっくり回るようになったから,今日は僕の中の設定とちょっと変えてるんだ

Exoplanetology: Yay good news! @planethunters will take in data from other telescopes (not just Kepler's) such as superWASP or maybe CoRoT someday.

NASA: Here's a very cool picture of NASA's next Mars rover. Looks like one of those terminator machines. http://cot.ag/lDlUPR

MarsPhoenix: Congrats to @MarsCuriosity- all packed up and heading to Florida for launch in November. Live now at http://bit.ly/dd67TN

ISAS_JAXA: 赤外線天文衛星「あかり」は,科学観測を終了することになりました。 http://bit.ly/mTUHmc 
あかり落ちたか…  …短命だよねえ

NASA_Hubble: xkcd brings up a good point about the earth's core: http://ow.ly/5k7s8

esaoperations: ESA's Proba-V mission (due for launch in 2012) will monitor the space environment for radiation #ssa http://bit.ly/kZAoSd

ESAHerschel: A nice Euronews feature on Herschel: multimedia.esa.int/Videos/2011/06…
ESAHerschel: studying the infrared radiation emitted by the coldest bodies in the cosmos. See the invisible in this edition of Space. multimedia.esa.int/Videos/2011/06…


NASAWebbTelescp: Two new pretty pics of our mirrors; the first 6 of our 18 mirrors just completed final cryo testing! 1.usa.gov/lGyMLS