木星に新しい衛星を2個発見 65個にhttp://www.astroarts.co.jp/news/2011/06/03jupiter_moon/index-j.shtml

chandraxray: Black holes r winning the cosmic battle (FB poll) but learn more about supernovas & see if BHs should still be the winner http://j.mp/d5bqST

NASA: How has @ChandraXray transformed the way we view our universe? Check out the top ten list of recent discoveries: http://go.nasa.gov/j2suMy

CassiniSaturn: RT @RockHunter45: Q: Will Cassi can be put in2 Titan orbit @ end of mission? Nope. In 2017 I'll plunge into the Saturnian atmosphere.

LRO_NASA: Wet or dry flow? Not sure yet... http://fb.me/W6P1stS4http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/386-Dry-debris-or-liquid-flow.html#extended です。月の地形の注釈も訳せたら色々勉強になりそうだよ。そんな時間ないけど。

NASA: Thanks to all registrants for the launch tweetup - you're now part of the great #NASATweetup community! We'll notify by June 10.
スピリットの誕生日 だった日だね

NASAJPL: Opportunity Rolls On: @NASA rover passes Skylab crater and 30 km mark on Mars. #3DThursday http://bit.ly/kVMtzj

NASA_Dawn: Hooray!! I'm 470,00 kilometers (290,000 miles) from Vesta today and approaching it at 220 meters per second (490 mph)!

ESAHerschel: Herschel is gearing up for its final Call for Proposals for observing time. D-Day, June 9. Last chance to request observations with Herschel
ESAHerschel: We are now well past 10 000 hours of scheduled science observations taken for more than 2500 astronomers awarded time from many countries.

寿命近づくのと忙しいのと その両方であるのがよくわかる…!

Hayabusa_JAXA: @Akatsuki_JAXA @ikaroskun 君達が今も生きていてくれることが何より嬉しいことですよ。あかつきくんはまだ大仕事が残っていますね。イカロス君は世界で君にしか取れないデータを集めていますね。まだまだ飛んでください。いつか、その命尽きるまで。1歳おめでとう。(兄)