
chandraxray: Chandra Podcast (Sta Carina Nebula in 60 Seconds: Located in the Sagittarius-Carina arm of the Milky Way a mere ... http://bit.ly/jQ2Rcr

NASA_Dawn: I'm less than 650,000 km from Vesta (400,000 mi)!!! Check on my progress at http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/status.asp :)

NASAJuno: Pics from @NASAKennedy show how we fold Juno’s huge solar arrays, accordion-style: http://1.usa.gov/hED5jR

NASAKepler: Yay... Thx! :) RT @hartleybrody: had fun partying w the @NASAkepler team last night.. those scientists can dance! http://twitpic.com/51xgzb
NASAKepler: Thx to all who joined us at for Sci Cafe Boston & for joining us in dance at Middlesex Lounge in Cambridge last nite.. Good times!

会議は踊る的な 私そのラウンジの名前が気になります

LRO_NASA: Impact craters are fabulous. Not only are they (in my opinion) beautiful features, they can provide so much... http://fb.me/WIB76ed7
LRO_NASA: useful information!

この記事 http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/archives/396-Crater-in-Mare-Humorum.html か?遠景の写真が前衛的で笑う

ESAHerschel: Herschel controllers at Darmstadt currently carrying out a measurement of how much helium is left in the cryostat. All going smoothly.

MarsRovers: Overnight, @NASA will send its final command to the Spirit Mars rover: http://bit.ly/l2oJbN What farewell message would you send?
お や す み な さ い ;;ブワ

JAXA_jp: [報告] 赤外線天文衛星「あかり」(ASTRO-F)の電力異常について http://goo.gl/fb/byfZx
JAXA_jp: [報告] はやぶさ2の状況について http://goo.gl/fb/hqRnu


NASA_Hubble: NASA Concludes Attempts to Contact Mars Rover Spirit. http://ow.ly/52Ada
LRO_NASA: Good night, Spirit. Thanks for all you've shown us. http://fb.me/12AdMyYyY
