もうだるいので実験はやらなかった^^ それ以外に今日はmidiprepでドジったり見学に来てたどっかの4回生の相手をちょっとしてたりラボに導入されたWindowsのセットアップを任されたり色々ありました。Windowsの全ては私に任されてしまいました。おい、給料を求めるぞ

NASA: No launch date will be announced today, but Endeavour will not launch sooner than May 8.

NewHorizons2015: Did you know? We've covered 56% of the days to Pluto, but over 62% of the distance--almost 2/3 the way there!

NewHorizons2015: So u ask why is NH slowing? We're climbing out of the Sun's gravity, which reduces our speed. But no worry-we still escape the solar system!

MESSENGER2011: Check out this irregular pit in the bottom of To Ngoc Van crater. http://bit.ly/lyRR4Y We've seen similar ones in other craters.

NASAblueshift: Happy birthday, Goddard! RT @NewsFromSpace: 1May1959: @NASAGoddard opens - NASA's first space flight center. http://goo.gl/RdPq8