隣のラボの自宅生がうちに寝に来てたのを送りだしたのは9時半だったけど、うちそのまままた爆睡してしまったので、ラボに行ったのは丁度お昼ぐらい。うちの部屋のM1は2人とも昨日ラストまで居たんですが両方来たという事に 元気ですね^−^

NASA_Hubble: Sounds like it's time for a visit! RT @smithsonian: The @NMNH has around 18k meteorites in its collection

NASAJPL: Galaxies, stars & asteroids shown in new @NASA @WISE_mission image archive. Vote for your favorites: http://bit.ly/h6OgAQ

HiRISE: Did we mention we have the best volunteers for our HiTranslate Project? Well, we do! #fb #HiRISE

NASAJPL: Students & teachers: Send in climate Qs now for #earthday video chat w/@NASA scientist. http://bit.ly/fWVlQE
NASA: Even though every day is Earth Day @NASA, we have some cool things planned to celebrate next week. http://www.nasa.gov/earthday

4月15日はEarth Dayのようです。知らねー…

SOFIAtelescope: Just wrapped up two more successful flights with GREAT- the German Spectrometer. Looked at center of galaxy. http://tinyurl.com/yg2xuvn

ikaroskun: .@Akatsuki_JAXA あかつききんも今週お疲れさまでした

esaoperations: #CryoVEx 2011 teams based at Cdn Forces Station Alert: world's most northerly inhabited spot (817 km to geo N. pole) http://bit.ly/gVzWj0
地球上のハビタブルゾーンの北限に迫っているようですが、このCryoVExって名前は思わせぶり過ぎると思うんだが。金星は見ていない 決して

NewHorizons2015: A news note about the kickoff of our Kuiper Belt Object search for flyby candidtes will be posted next week at http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/
予 告 か よ !