
HiRISE: Need a list of refereed papers using HiRISE data? Here you go: uahirise.org/sim/pubs.php #fb #HiRISE

esaoperations: Just came out of 2-hr meeting on #Rosetta #hibernation planning at ESOC. Circle 8 Jun in your calendar!

esaoperations: RT @DLR_en: Back from space: bacteria's survival skills tested on the #ISS http://bit.ly/hCUKWA #nasatweetup
宇宙生物学ですねo(^−^)o 勿論気になる。関われるんなら関わりたいさ

NASA_Hubble: Hey #Hubblehuggers, Just FYI: If the government shuts down tonight, you won't be seeing any tweets from this account for a bit.
LRO_NASA: Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know:
LRO_NASA: In the event of a gov't shut-down, I will still keep operating and collecting data as usual, and my engineers will continue to keep me safe.
MESSENGER2011: I know last week was a flurry of images. We've slowed down this week, but don't forget to keep checking http://messenger.jhuapl.edu for more


NASAKepler: #yurisnight: We'll select 50 images to put into a poster.

CassiniSaturn: Scientists suggest Titan's interior may be cool, dormant & incapable of causing active ice volcanoes http://1.usa.gov/eQG8rF

NASAJuno: The Juno spacecraft just arrived in Florida to prepare for its Aug 2011 launch. Next stop: Jupiter! http://bit.ly/e6Bd5B