
MESSENGER2011: Let the Science Phase Begin! http://bit.ly/eBTrqP

SOFIAtelescope: SOFIA completed First Science flight with the German instrument GREAT last night. Processing data now. More info tomorrow.

NASAJPL: .@MarsCuriosity strikes a pose! New images show @NASA's next Mars rover looking nearly complete: http://bit.ly/e1pKGs
MarsCuriosity: Not to brag, but I'm one good-looking rover. Here I am ― looking nearly complete in the @NASAJPL clean room: http://bit.ly/e1pKGs


Akatsuki_JAXA: お話し終わったー。うすださん、今週もありがとうございました! あと10日したら、今の僕の軌道で一番太陽に近いところを通るんだって。暑くなりすぎないように姿勢に気をつけてるよ。

Philae2014: The first of my subsystems (alphabetically) is the "Active Descent System" or ADS which has a Nitrogen gas thruster. #PhilaeThursday
Philae2014: Unlike landing on a planet where thrusters may be used to slow down a lander, my thruster will push me down ONTO the comet! #PhilaeThursday
Philae2014: This is because the comet is so small, its gravity is very weak. I don't want to bounce off into space back after landing! #PhilaeThursday


NewHorizons2015: No, a temporary government shutdown won't mean a temporary New Horizons shutdown....

NASA_Hubble: #BREAKINGNEWS! @NASA Telescopes Join Forces to Observe Unprecedented Explosion: http://ow.ly/4vabt