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Philae2014: Rosetta is performing a series of thruster burns, tweaking our course to the comet. Read more at http://bit.ly/3sqoDO #PhilaeThursday
MarsCuriosity: "Huge success!" says team following skycrane (landing system) drop test. Check out the vid: http://bit.ly/eUewWe
LRO_NASA: Vote for NASA technology videos made by 3rd-8th graders! http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov/optimus/voting.php
LRO_NASA: Reminder: NASA Chat about Moon's creamy/crunchy core at 3 PM EST today! http://fb.me/AnjX4hCW
LRO_NASA: (ok. its Earth-like core. but creamy/crunchy sounds so fun.)

自分の事を言うのを忘れないるろ …その発見あったの結構前な気がするんだけど
MarsRovers: Hooray! @MarsCuriosity "Huge success!" says team following skycrane (landing system) drop test. Video: http://bit.ly/eUewWe
SpaceLaunchNews: LIFT-OFF of the 5th flight of a ULA Delta IV-Heavy at 4:10:30 pm EST, with a military satellite NROL-49 from Vandenberg, AFB. #USAF #NASA
NanoSailD: Hey, watch out. That satellite almost hit me. It must think that he can pick on little guys. Just wait. I'll show him who's bigger.
NanoSailD: Hello all! Checking in! I will open my sail this evening at 02:55 UTC or 9:55pm EST over Ireland. You know the luck o' the Irish helped.
NanoSailD: I am west of New Zealand now. After the deployment you should have a great chance of listening for my beacon!

esa: Love this one! RT @astro_paolo: Playing #pingpong with the Moon! #astral #tabletennis #ISS http://flic.kr/p/9bFdXr
esaoperations: Corrected & new updates on #marswebcam, from Peter Wellmann http://webservices.esa.int/blog/index.php?blogId=6
NASA_Hubble: Neat combination of images from Hubble, Spitzer, and Chandra telescopes: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/news/114295114.html