

esaoperations: Webcast press conference on Planck first data and results 11.01 12:00 CET start http://bit.ly/g96uBW #planck
LRO_NASA: Some Moon Greats for your Monday: The coldest measured temp in the Solar System is found on the Moon.
LRO_NASA: And, the greatest measured vacuum is found in the wake formed by the solar wind behind the Moon.

esa: Don't forget - tomorrow first results from #Planck presented in Paris - webcast begins at 12:00 http://bit.ly/cqmfMN #astronomy
esa: No, the Planck press conf is tomorrow at 12:00 RT @Irreductible: email from @ESA announcing a Press Conf for Planck mision...

NASAspitzer: NITARP at the AAS! http://fb.me/RAmEaMso
NASAspitzer: Teachers Bring Classroom Space Science to Astronomy Conference http://fb.me/yo2WqR8D
NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Programの事で、スピッツァーの中の人、というわけではなくデータを卸しているようです…合ってるかな?
esaoperations: #phobos flyby complete: A quick update from the #marsexpress team here at ESOC http://bit.ly/fsENdz
NASAblueshift: Helping out at the Swift booth this morning and bumped into our former intern Faith! -mm http://plixi.com/p/69135448
NASA: NASA'S Kepler Mission Discovers Its First Rocky Planet http://go.nasa.gov/h88oSE #aas217
NASAWebbTelescp: At the American Astronomical Society meeting - here's Webb at Northrop Grumman's booth! http://plixi.com/p/69139308
はいっ来ましたウェッブたんハスハス かっこいいポスターです…
chandraxray: On tap this morning at the #AAS: a rocky exoplanet, a surprising black hole (including #ChandraXray). Later on, news from #Fermi. #NASA
NASA: NASA's Fermi catches thunderstorms on Earth hurling antimatter into space http://go.nasa.gov/fQnBqn
NASAblueshift: Here's a story we were looking forward to at AAS - Fermi saw thunderstorms producing antimatter! Check out the video! http://bit.ly/fsCV1O

CassiniSaturn: Rhea flyby in 5 hours! Cosmic Dust Analyzer & Radio/Plasma Wave Inst. look for dusty debris off surface http://is.gd/kwpCI
Planck: A press conference is taking place in Paris. Jan Tauber is describing the data released today. Watch online at http://bit.ly/f4xhxO
Planck: Now hearing about studies of massive galaxy clusters through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect - involving gas at millions of degrees! #Planck
Planck: Planck unveils the Wonders of the Universe: http://planck.cf.ac.uk/news/planck-unveils-wonders-universe
Planck: Everyone at the #Planck conference gets a really cool Planck umbrella!
Voyager2: STEPHEN HAWKING will give a free talk in Caltech's Beckman Auditorium on Jan 18th at 8 pm. Free, no tickets/reservations req'd.